Saturday, August 31, 2019

In human communication, the spoken and unspoken words belong to both the sender and receiver Essay

Communication is the process of sharing meaning with others. The sender is the person who sends the massage and the receiver is the person who receives the massage. There are encoding and decoding processes that happen during this stage. The sender encodes his idea or thought into a massage. For instance, there is a policeman staring at you, and you somehow notice the action and panic. The exchange between sender and receiver occurs. As the receiver, when you notice his action, you will decode the body language and his serious facial expression and you will think that as a sign that you’re in trouble. This interpretation may due to your knowledge and experiences. These both encoding and decoding is very important. This kind of massage can be either in the form of verbal communication or non-verbal communication. Verbal communication or also known as spoken word can be divided into two types, oral verbal communication and non-oral verbal communication. Oral verbal communication is the usage moment when we utter the words or speaking whereas non oral verbal communication is the usage of alphabets system in a proper manner or in a simple word, writing form. Non-verbal communication or also known as unspoken word can also be divided into oral non-verbal communication and non-oral non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication as a whole can be defined as’ those bodily actions and vocal quality that typically accompany a verbal massage and are usually interpreted as intentional’. A person who is standing on the basis to deliver a speech even though looks like he is only performing a verbal communication may also unintentionally performs non-verbal communication too. This can be seen through his body language for instances, body gestures, facial expressions and even eye contacts. This explains the theory given by Verderber that non-verbal communication and verbal communication can be both happen at the same time. In communicating with each other, language is one of the compulsory features that are required. According to Rudolph F. Verderber, language is the body of works and system for their use in communicating that are common to people of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition. If the spoken language used by the sender is not as same as the receiver, it will lead to the problem in conveying the massage. Body language as opposite is universal and can be understood by almost everyone around the globe despite of their nationality, races, genders or even their mother’s tongue. Smile for an instance, sending the message that the doer is happy, friendly and also in a good mood. Shannon and Weaver are the creators of the first communication model. This model was first created to show how the radio and telephone is working. There are three major parts of this model which ate sender, channel and receiver. The sender will encodes and transmitted the messages in form of binary code or data through the channel. The receiver then will receive and decodes the data into understanding messages. Plus, during the process of sending the messages, there may be some interruption or noise happened either internally or externally. This may due to the imbalance hormone, lack of information, crowd noise or even health problem. Communication begins with self. This principle explains how one’s experiences and knowledge affects his or her ways in treating and communicating other people. Experts also agree that people are products of how others treat them and of the messages others send them. I quoted Carl Rogers, â€Å"every individual exists in a continually changing world of experience of which he is the center.† Someone who experienced either bad or good experiences in his past will have already prepared if the same situation occur again. For example Ali was once been scolded by his lecturer when he did nit hands in the assignment during the due date, this will become a turning point or lesson for him so that in the future he won’t repeat the same mistake again. Communication at the same time is also complicated. The combination of verbal, non-verbal, behavior and attitude of speakers, the intonation and other factors when they combine will make the messages hard to be understood. Moreover, the usage of high-level vocabularies, the complicated structures and uncommon term will make even the simplest message hard to comprehend. As conclusion, in ensuring the communication between two parties is successful, they must have the most important aspect of communication, which are mutual respect and mutual understanding.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Analyzing why difficulties arise in intercultural communications Essay

In analyzing why these difficulties arise in intercultural communications, Sheryl L. Lindsley (assistant professor of communication at California State University, Stanislaus), put forth four layers of intercultural communication in 1999: The first layer is the â€Å"macro-context,† which includes the economic and political situations in which the communications occur. A good example is the domination of Mexico by the U. S. , while at the same time increasing Mexico’s revenue made possible by NAFTA (Jennifer Peltak, n.d. ). Lindsley’s second layer consists of individual competency or incompetence, in regard to bilinguals who are generally the bridges to communication. In terms of intercultural businesses, if the bilinguals harbor their own stereotypes of the other culture, some problems cannot be overcome. The third layer is comprised of communicative behaviors. This is in the perception category; using Mexican/American relations as an example, Lidsley identifies expectations on both sides as a potential problem in negotiating. Mexicans tend to keep conflicts private and save face in public, where Americans have no problem resolving conflict in public, and then acknowledging privately that there are no hard feelings. The fourth layer individual attribution to meaning. In the case of preconceived stereotypes, the listener can misinterpret the speaker’s intent because of the mind set barrier. Messages can be perceived selectively, reinforcing cultural stereotypes. While this information may cast a better light on solving or minimizing obstacles to intercultural communication, if we look on the broader scale of business relations, a critical problem emerges; people, no matter what culture, have become a means to an end rather than an integral and important part of a company. This became very obvious in the 1990’s when more companies went global and acquisitions and mergers occurred. In 1993, Business International published the key factor for international business failure: cultural differences (Charles Gancel, Chilina Hills, 1997). To avoid this problem of collapse of the infrastructure of an international company based on a shift in the balance of power and the inaccessibility of remote teams geographically dispersed, Gancel and Hills recommend three fundamental conditions: 1. Clarifying the objective (the company’s philosophy, protocol and methodology must be clearly understood). 2. Negotiating its implementation (in a complex structure, introduction and implementation of systems does not need to be imposed. Some of the systems can be designed and negotiated by those that will be applying them, incorporating the needs of the culture involved). 3. Accompanying change (managers being trained in intercultural relations, informed of their new culture’s way of communicating and imparting information). Last, nonverbal communication and the method by which information is given are important to note. While Americans and many Europeans have no problems asking for and receiving feedback or suggestions from corroborators, a Chinese or Indian individual would see this practice as a personal affront. This is but one example of cultural differences in the workplace. Management that will be working abroad should have a through knowledge of the culture they are about to enter and work within. Along with this verbal exchange, it is important to understand that certain gestures or even forms of eye contact are offensive or insulting to another culture. In order to get the most from the foreign work force, understanding the culture, even having a coach within the new culture is imperative in order to achieve a smoother transition. While intercultural communications will always have its problems and comical blunders, it need not be so painful. Understanding another culture is, now more than ever, the key to successful negotiations from the individual to the corporate level. Works Cited Brislin, Richard. â€Å"Encouraging depth rather than surface processing about cultural differences through critical incidents and role plays. † Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. Center For Cross Cultural Research, Western Washington University. N. d. , 23 April 2006 http://www. ac. wwu. edu/~culture/brislin. htm Burgess, Guy & Heidi. â€Å"Language Differences. † Conflict Research Consortium, University Of Colorado. 1998 – 2002, 21 April 2005 http://www. colorado. edu/conflict/peace/problem/langdif. htm Gancel, Charles & Hills, Chilina. â€Å"Managing the pitfalls and challenges of intercultural communication. † Communication World. December 1997, 22 April 24, 2006 http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m4422/is_n1_v15/ai_20219196 Jones, Anna & Xuan Quach. â€Å"Intercultural Communication: For Students In the Faculty Of Economics and Commerce. † University Of Melbourne. 2004, 22 April 2006 tlu. ecom. unimelb. edu. au/pdfs/intercul_comm. pdf Peltak, Jennifer. â€Å"Intercultural communication problems are best seen via multiple levels. † National Communication Association. N. d. , 23 April 2006 http://www. natcom. org/pubs/CM/cm699. htm.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Human Relations Movement Essay

Human Relations Movement refers to those researchers of organizational development who study the behavior of people in groups, in particular workplace groups. It originated in the 1930s’ Hawthorne studies, which examined the effects of social relations, motivation and employee satisfaction on factory productivity. The movement viewed workers in terms of their psychology and fit with companies, rather than as interchangeable parts. â€Å"The hallmark of human-relation theories is the primacy given to organizations as human cooperative systems rather than mechanical contraptions. George Elton Mayo stressed the following: Natural groups, in which social aspects take precedence over functional organizational structures Upwards communication, by which communication is two way, from worker to chief executive, as well as vice versa. Cohesive and good leadership is needed to communicate goals and to ensure effective and coherent decision making (Wilson & Rosenfeld, Managing Organizations, McGraw Hill Book Company, London, p. 9. ) It has become a concern of many companies to improve the job-oriented interpersonal skills of employees. The teaching of these skills to employees is referred to as â€Å"soft skills† training. Companies need their employees to be able to successfully communicate and convey information, to be able to interpret others’ emotions, to be open to others’ feelings, and to be able to solve conflicts and arrive at resolutions. By acquiring these skills, the employees, those in management positions, and the customer can maintain more compatible relationships. (DuBrin, A. J. (2007). Human Relations Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills, Pearson Prentice Hall, 9th. ed. , New Jersey, p. 2. ) Institutes where human relations are studied include: The Tavistock Institute, co-publishers of the Human Relations journal; the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science; The Oasis School of Human Relations, Masters Degree in Globally Responsible Leadership (Oasis Press publishes human relations books and manuals); Trevecca Nazarene University, Bachelors Degree in Management and Human Relations for working adults; the University of Oklahoma offers a Bachelor of Arts in Human Relations, as well as a Master of Human Relations; Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) offers a Bachelor of Arts in Human Relations, as well as a Master of Human Systems Intervention.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Coca Cola Company and its Product Modifying Method to meet FDA Essay

Coca Cola Company and its Product Modifying Method to meet FDA standards - Essay Example With consumers worldwide becoming more and more cautious and watchful about their health, they are choosing to eat healthy and preferably live a healthy life. This follows the fact that deadly diseases such as cancer are on the rise and experts point out that these diseases are befalling most people due to their eating habits. This aspect has seen many companies including Coca Cola seek specific ways of modifying their products in order to meet the speculations set herein by special food governing bodies, which include but not limited to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Research findings posit that Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Inc. are currently changing the procedures followed in making some of their products such as the caramel coloring commonly used in the sodas (50). This comes following the implementation of the Californian law that forces all products that contain a particular level of carcinogens should always come with a label of cancer warning. Ideally, this enforcement comes along with some consequences since very few people would risk purchasing a product that can cause cancer unto their lives. The company’s SWOT Analysis describes all the facts regarding what it intends to have its products free of any speculations. Web, sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&biw=1024&bih=610&tbm=isch&tbnid=dg5-NnM39-yN4M:&imgrefurl=,i:219&iact=rc&dur=214&sig=100064067000265222398&page=3&tbnh=186&tbnw=255&start=33&ndsp=18&tx=145&ty=39 Currently, Coca Cola is undergoing a series of transformations specifically in the production of its products with the aim of ensuring it meets the set standards provided by the FDA. The company is now looking into the details of most of its recipes in order to ensure that it produces beverages that are in line with the recommendations and regulations of FDA. Given that research findings opine caffeine as well as tannin mixtures with cancer related causes, people are taking a step forward towards doing away with products said to have such ingredients in t heir contents (59). Change of such consumer market has seen most companies head towards the verge of losing a large market base. However, in order to ensure continued profitability, Coca Cola which happens to be one of the world’s largest producer and distributor of beverage products resolve to come into terms with the FDA standards which require companies to observe health regulations and recommendations. On March 7, 2012, Coca Cola Company asserted that its use of caramel coloring in preparing its drinks has always resolved to put into consideration the necessary requirements and thus is safe. Douglas Karas, FDA spokesperson stated that FDA is working round the clock and ensuring that companies like Coca Cola and Pepsi provide their consumers with quality beverages that pose no challenge to the users. According to Beverage Digest, one of the most active industry trackers, PepsiCo and Coca Cola hold the largest percentage (90%) of beverage productions manufacturing. As such, analysts claim that they can pose the most immense crisis if at any one point ended up consuming products that have high levels of carcinogens (66). This indicates that

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

SEMCO Company Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SEMCO Company Strategy - Essay Example As a conservative business strategy, many companies feel that employing more personnel in the same setup will increase their costs and this would reduce their profits at the end of a trading year (Mazzucato, 2002:34). However, this was a strategy that helped SEMCO to improve to greater heights of quadrupling their profits.When there is an increase in the number of employees, it is obvious that the cost for labour will increase. However, SEMCO did not reflect on the negative side of having an increase in the cost of labor. SEMCO reflected on the side of better services and products that are supplied to the customers. In essence, the company noticed that their products needed a greater increase in their value (Bruce and Langdon, 2000:55). This led to production of high quality goods that would be appreciated in the market. With such a manoeuvre, most of the market was dominated by the products that are produced by SEMCO.With an increase in the number of employees, a company is defined to have more manpower and labour. In such a position, a company may decide to concentrate in various production models. According to the schools of strategy by Mintzberg, when a company has maximum labour, it is in a position of investing in a wide variety of services. This includes investing on other services that it has not been producing. SEMCO decided to strategise on this point by increasing its output. Since it had enough labour, it only had to increase its resources and start other services in the market.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Third Way Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Third Way - Essay Example And so governments have to decide which programs will best reward the investment of tax dollars (Merkhofer 1987). One of the most controversial areas of public policy involves health care for that part of the population least able to pay for their own care. Socioeconomic status has been identified as a powerful factor in one's health (Bloomberg, Meyers and Braverman 1994). The more health problems that those citizens at the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum have, the greater the tax burden will be on the rest of the citizenry. However, while the politics of money should play a significant part in the development of social policy, there is also the idea of social justice to consider. Social justice takes on many definitions, depending on the political leanings of the definer, but the general idea involves the creation of a sense of fairness or equality of opportunity to members at all socioeconomic levels of a society (Jordan 1998; Marshal, Swift, and Roberts 2002). Under the Thatcher administration, inequalities in access to quality health care began to widen in British society (Wagstaff, Paci, and van Doorslaer 1991). When Prime Minister Blair took office, one of his first moves was to establish improved access to health care as a top priority. There are at least three schools of thought as to how to engineer social change. The "laissez-faire" line of thinking - which basically involves allowing society to shake itself into the desired state - might argue that education alone would awaken the British public to the plight of the poor, particularly with regard to health care. The transition in the health habits of the Indian state of Kerala, between 1961 and 1974, could serve as a strong example for the laissez-faire viewpoint. Over that period of time, the birth rate fell from 39 to 26.5, while levels of literacy, life expectancy, female education, and age of marriage became the highest in all of India (Ratcliffe 1978). The cause of this change is not massive social expenditure for contraceptives, not an infrastructure of free clinics, but simply public education about the benefits of family planning, and about the importance of equitable distribution of opportunities (Ratcliffe 1978). Near the other end of the spectrum stand the Social Democrats, who believe that social justice can be achieved, if government planners can only find the right level of taxation to put into place sufficient programs and infrastructure. The natural sympathy that rightly extends to those who need medical treatment that goes beyond what they can afford has made social justice one of the central ethical principles of public health nursing. Programs that do not ultimately result in a change of behavior, however, are only short-term solutions that will not change societal patterns over time (Drevdahl, Kneipp, Canales, and Dorcy 2001). Also, programs that do not accurately address the factors that connect socioeconomic status and health will, ultimately, waste taxpayers' money and will solve nothing (Marmot and Feeney, 1997). The New Labour way of thinking sits somewhere, at least in its own mind, between the

US foreign policy and Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

US foreign policy and Iraq - Essay Example The essential political goals set by the Iraqi administration are concerning governance and reconciliation to the changed circumstances. Some of these goals are discussed in succeeding paragraphs.Major effort needs to be dovetailed to build national reconciliation through dialogues and consensus between all sectarian factions.Another important task at hand would be to mend the socially and politically divided factions through dialogue and confidence building measures. This would require strengthening of all the democratic institutions of the country and uphold the rule of law.To gain confidence, it is imperative to improve infrastructure and living conditions of all Iraqis and put the country on a path of peace and security. Most importantly, there is requirement to firmly deal with the challenges of insurgency, crime, sectarian violence and foreign terror outfits inciting a civil war in the region. Also on the anvil is a critical review of anti-terror and de-Ba'athifiation legislati on.While the aim of the democratically elected government is to bring back the country from its present quagmire to peace and security, these good intentions continue to be hampered due to adverse security conditions. The problem also lies in credible representation in governance. The present government is a representative form of government, but Sunni elements supported by external insurgents and terrorist organisations have considerable say in many regions, especially so in Baghdad, Ninewa, Salahuddin, Anbar, Diyala and Basra. Over 81% of attacks were reported in these provinces during past few years. The terrorist organisations still intimidate vulnerable sections of the society to participate in violent acts against civilians and security forces, attempt to create a civil war like condition, attack country's infrastructure and oil assets etc. Another problem area has been cooperation with multi-national (mainly US) forces, which have been likened by many as occupation forces rather than friendly forces. This aspect is also exploited by insurgents to incite civilian Iraqis to support their cause willingly or unwillingly. Other causes of serious concern remain the ever mounting loss of civilian lives, sense of uncertainty, high levels of sectarian violence and certain serious law and order situations. Implications of US Long Term Deployment or Early Withdrawal A recent US General Accountability Office report stated that the Iraqi government had failed to meet 11 of the 18 benchmarks established by the US regarding authorisation of troop surge recently. The Iraqi government had fully met only three of the legislative, security and economic benchmarks. (Easley, 2007) Only one legislative benchmark regarding rights of minority parties has been met, while only two benchmarks in area of security have been achieved. The government is yet to overcome militia control in certain regions; however there is reduced political interference in military operations, improvement in military capability to conduct independent operations and reduced political claims over military achievements. Economically, only partial implementation of utilisation of funds provided for infrastructural development has been achieved. While the report definitely falls short of expectations, there has been considerable progress in many areas which could not have been possible two years back. Thus, withdrawal of coalition forces at this stage would again reverse these positive developments undesirably. Perhaps, the need of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Panera Bread Video Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Panera Bread Video Case Study - Essay Example The case is relevant to the analysis of the various concepts of management given that the CEO manages to address various concepts of management. Connecting management functions Effectiveness & Efficiency The video relates to the concept of effectiveness and efficiency in the sense that the CEO noted that the company has managed to maintain quality in its products. The CEO highlights the fact that there is standardization of quality across all the branches of the company in efforts to reduce duplication. In terms of efficiency, the company saves on time by delivering its services on time without much delay. The video highlights employees of the company engaging in various activities in haste. Four functions of management and the order in which managers perform each function Planning Planning involves the manager determining the goals of the business and how the business is going to achieve such goals. This is based on the vision and mission statement of the company. In the case of Pan era Bread, the company established a vision at the start of the business and has managed to follow the vision all through (Lipman 19). Organizing Organizing involves managers allocating resources and assigning employees tasks that are in line with the achievement of the company vision. ... Panera Bread CEO is such a great leader because of his working style. He spends a great deal of his time around the business and this motivates his employees towards delivering quality services. Controlling Controlling involves monitoring of performance to ensure that the goals of the company are being met. The CEO of Panera Bread notes that the business has been critical on the issue of expanding its operations because they want the business to meet its visions. There is the use of customer feedback in an effort to match results with performance. Reflections on insights, ideas and questions The greatest insight from the Panera Bread Video case study is that the survival of a business majorly depends on is vision. Vision outlines the expected achievement of the business within a predetermined time period (Lipman 20). The CEO of Panera Bread noted that the company has managed to pursue its vision that it had determined when the company was being incorporated. This has had the effect o f ensuring that the business puts its focus on its objectives. It is no wonder that Panera Bread has remained relevant and competitive for a long period of time. The other insight is that a successful business should incorporate the mentality of people serving people instead of people serving the business. Panera Bread CEO notes that this ensures that the business exists for the sake of serving customers and getting them satisfied. There is also the idea that entrepreneurs should be passionate about doing business in addition to having the desire to make money out of the business. This ensures that the business owner gives out the best of his or her potential and that there is active involvement in the operations of the business (Lipman 23). Despite being the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Evaluating international business communications situations Essay

Evaluating international business communications situations - Essay Example A communication plan is a very useful tool in ensuring successful programming. (Morrison, T., & Conaway, W. A. 2006) It enhances participation by everyone involved and further shapes how people perceive every detail of a project. A communication plan may help individuals to raise public awareness in a targeted community specifically on their needs, challenges as well as successes. (Morrison, T., & Conaway, W. A. 2006) It is based on that plan that an organization may be able to raise funds and obtain support. In cases where a project depends on attendance of people, the plan is useful in mobilization and enrolment into the project. The key aspect of communication plan is the resource management aspect of the plan. (Rendtorff, J. D. 2010) There is always a risk of having limited resources in every organization that intends to conduct market research which would be useful in guiding a business plan, particularly on amount of money and time that will be involved in the process. (Rendtorff, J. D. 2010) A communication plan will be critical in making use of such limited time. This is because it enhances focus on the exact objectives to address and priorities to observe in the process. (Rourke, P. J. 2011)The plan further will not only allows for clarity on the objectives and promotes zeroing in on the target audience of the plan but also enhance congruence in communication with the rest of the world. There are two points that are involved in effective communication plan. First, it is the identification of the stakeholders who will be involved in the process. The second aspect is the reporting that happens at the end of the project, where market research findings are relayed to decide the actual project to be undertaken in the community. (Willinsky, J. 2006) From this end, the study will focus on the evaluation of the international business communication s situations. And specifically on the explanation of a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Locally Abundant' - Sustainable Food Documentary Essay

Locally Abundant' - Sustainable Food Documentary - Essay Example Agriculture is one current field wich require changing for the purpose of meeting the increase in demand. It is possible to terminate poverty, hunger and sustain food security without damaging the environment. To ensure that such an elaborate level becomes viable, there is need to utilize the water, energy, fertilizers, chemicals and lands (Steel, 2013). Organic farming is increasing and gaining popularity and is practiced in many countries in the world. Farmers who accept to use renewable resources and conserve the soil and water to prevent environmental pollution for the coming generation produce certified organic food. Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from an animal, which are given growth hormones and antibiotics (Francis, 2012). These foods are produced without using artificial preservatives, synthetic pesticides, and fertilizers. Removing agrichemicals is not enough to turn conventional farming to organic farming. Organic farming is an active labor-intensive process. For instance, organic farmers use compost manure and practice crop rotation to nourish soil naturally and allow the soil to regenerate. Plants grow well in healthy soil and avoid being contaminated with pesticides (Steel, 2013). Organic farmers are careful about how they store and dispose of their animal waste in order not to pollute water and air. They crops that are suitable to the soil and climate. Organic farming promotes biodiversity since it allows the growth of more than one crop. Therefore preventing soil erosion and conserves energy (Francis, 2012). Moreover, it assists in reducing greenhouse gasses, which leads to global warming. Practicing organic farming is important since it is a humane treatment of animals especially poultry and cattle. They are fed by certified organic diet rather than depending on antibiotics to reduce diseases. They prevent diseases by ensuring the live a healthy lifestyle and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Regenerative medicine Essay Example for Free

Regenerative medicine Essay Regenerative medicine Is the process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function. It can be used for many things by many different techniques. It can benefit many different people in many different ways. Regenerative medicine replaces/repairs tissues that the body cannot repair on its own. This includes things such as organs like kidneys; if one needs to be removed we may be able to replace/repair It. Regenerative medicine can save lives and be a lot more useful than average people may think it Is. Using state of the arc technology we may be able to prevent organ transplant rejection due to the fact that we can grow the organ from the patients owns cells/tissue. Current estimates say that approximately one in three Americans can benefit from regenerative medicine. Stem cells are used a lot in regenerative medicine. The stem cells are what are used to create the organ in the lab. The scientists first take the stem cells and place them and a model for them to grow on. Once the stem cells have grown and formed tissues around the mold they add what the organ needs to do its function. They then end electrical signals to bring the organ to life, like a heartbeat, almost as if they are reviving it. This has the potential of saving millions of lives in the long run, maybe even billions, or eventually trillions if mankind last that long. Of course technology will advance and there will be dfferent techniques and approaches for regenerative medlclne, but technology Is developing faster than ever in the past 100 years, so we may not be as far away from achieving great things as you might think. Say someone needs a new bladder, but no bladders that match them are currently available. Well with regenerative medicine we can create a new bladder in a hopefully short period of time with the tissues and cells of the person who needs the bladder. Therefor there will be no shortage of organs and no problems regarding the body rejecting the organ anyways. The only downside of this Is that growing tissues and cells takes time. So, If the patient needs a new bladder Immediately, growing one will not be an opuon because It will not grow fast enough In time for the person to live. But I see that there are three solutions. Solution one is that people could regularly visit their octor to be sure nothing is wrong, so if something is wrong we may be able to notice it before Its too late. Solution two is that in the future we can only hope that technology will be advanced enough for us to speed up the growth of these tissues, this will help In situations where the patients does not have a lot of time. The third solution Is that If we have the materials needed, we could eventually create enough organs with enough different tissues that nine times out of ten, one of the organs will match. I believe that any of these three solutions could work, but they ingredient to chieving this is time and effort. This is why I feel like more people should be choosing careers in science. It is very interesting and can help benefit all humans on the plant in the long run. So If more people worked with regenerative medicine who knows what the limits could be. Fasclnatlon wltn ty to regenerate tlssues ana organs nas exlstea slnce mankind first realized that it is possible (This was thousands of years ago, even though they couldnt really do anything and the term regenerative medicine was not used). Long before the term Regenerative Medicine was came up with, humans were ealizing the effects and capabilities of medicinal intervention. The Ancient Civilizations of Sameria, Egypt, China, India, and South America all pioneered medical discoveries and techniques that still impact the field today. Practices that we take for granted, such as cleansing and debridement of wounds using vegetable and mineral concoctions were common. Hundreds of scientists and philosophers over thousands of years have worked to establish our current technologies. The early 1800s saw a huge expansion in the fields of biology and medicine when scientists revealed that all ife depends on chemical reactions that occur within cells, which could, in fact, be reproduced in the laboratory. The discovery and official introduction of antibiotics by Alexander Flemming in 1928 changed the field of health-care forever. Followed shortly after by the discovery of cell division and heritability in the form of a helical, ladder-like structure, called DNA, science was geared to bring a whole other ball game. These discoveries meant that human biology and the systems contained within could now be brought into and manipulated in the laboratory. As the turn of he 20th century hit, previously mystical processes of life science finally become tangible. Regenerative medicine has grown from prior activities including surgery, surgical implants (artificial hips), and increasingly sophisticated bio-material scaffolds (skin grafts). The work that truly launched regenerative medicine into a tangible area of science began as cell therapy. Work in the field of transplantation in the mid-1950s gave rise to some of the first therapeutic surgeries in medicine. Performed on identical twins, the first kidney transplant occurred in 1954 followed by he first liver and lung transplants in 1963, pancreas transplant in 1966, and the first heart transplant in 1967. Bone marrow transplants for treatment of leukemia patients had the public and scientific communities in an uproar of excitement. Following this wave of enthusiasm, cell biologists began to question the capabilities of the integrity of the tissues being transplanted and wondered whether it was possible to create, grow, and harvest these tissues in the laboratory. Thus began the era of Tissue Engineering which has lead us into the field of Regenerative Medicine. Cell therapy is a therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient. Cell therapy originated in the nineteenth century when scientists experimented by injecting animal material in an attempt to prevent and treat illness. Although such attempts produced no positive benefit, further research found in the mid twentieth century showed that human cells could be used to help prevent the human body rejecting transplanted organs, leading in time to successful bone marrow transplantation. Today two distinct categories of cell therapy are recognized. The first ategory is cell therapy in mainstream medicine. This is the subject of intense research and the basis of potential therapeutic benefit. Such research, especially when it involves human embryonic material, is controversial. The second category is in alternative medicine, and perpetuates the practice of injecting animal materials in an attempt to cure disease. This practice, according to the American Cancer Society, Is not DacKea Dy any mealcal evidence 0T erectlveness, ana can nave aea01y consequences.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

CSS Styles and Web Design Essay Example for Free

CSS Styles and Web Design Essay Two types of layouts, Table-based layouts and CSS-based layouts can be used to manage the formatting of a web site. Table-based layouts are easy to use and implement when compared to CSS-layouts and editors like FrontPage and Dreamweaver make it very easy for developers to include them. The main disadvantages of Table-based layouts are that tables break on various browsers thus producing layout dysfunctions and it increases almost unnecessarily the HTML/text ratio. Cascading style sheets (CSS) make it easy to manage the formatting of a web site and it can be used to control the appearance of objects on a page or throughout a site. It can be designed and redesigned, and can control the formatting of hundreds of pages, including fonts, link colors, margin settings and background images. It is widely supported by modern browsers and allows flexibility in positioning. CSS based layouts Keeps the HTMl/text ratio at a low level thus decreasing load time and Allows the display of main content first while the graphics load afterwards. CSS also avoid accessibility issues raised by table cells and the content flows logically without disruption. A div tag defines a block of content (division/section in a document) to be formatted. Div tags can be defined through an ID or a class attribute. Using CSS and div tags reduces markup code, speeds up page downloads, separates content from its visual presentation, and brings code closer to Web standards compliance. If the div tags are defined in external CSS file than by changing properties of div tags in only CSS files the appearance of multiple pages can be controlled. Reference Web Development Series: formatting content, January 4, 2007 retrieved on 11 February 2007 http://academictech. doit. wisc. edu/ORFI/wds/index. htm Mardiros, C 2006. CSS Layouts vs. Table Layouts Alternate Browsers and Accessibility Issues. Retrieved on 11 February 2007 from http://www. mardiros. net/css-layout. html .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Themes

To Kill A Mockingbird Themes One of Harper Lees strongest themes throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird is certain characters being judged by their external appearance rather than who they really are. This false judgement is portrayed through pure prejudice that damages not only societys sight, but also their thoughts and actions. This prejudice and misjudgement can be compared to a foggy window where society fails to see past the fog and therefore, also fails to see past the characters illusory appearances. Throughout the novel, Maycombs community ages to believe that ones appearance plays a much larger role in a persons judgement rather than their true reality. This false accusation creates a barrier between the truth and peoples assumptions. As a result, not only does Maycomb fail to understand why others like, Mr. Raymond and Boo Radley live the way they do but in the process, also decline any chance to relate to characters such as, Tom Robinson. When Maycombs society buried their memories of Boo Radley , sent an innocent man to his death sentence and forced another to live in a world of lies, they grew to judge men by their appearance rather than learning the silent reality of their lives. Appearance versus reality is a huge issue throughout To Kill a Mockingbird. In each chapter, prejudice occurs in a constant cycle whether it is aimed at an innocent black male, a scared boogeyman, or a drunken traitor. The book displays every aspect of how people can look through the foggy window and see things completely different than what they truly appear to be. Dolphus Raymond states that it is easier for people to handle differences when they have a reason to explain it; therefore, he pretends to be an alcoholic. As for Boo Radley, a man the entire world has feared for 30 years brings Scout to tears when she realizes that this same man had protected and saved her life. If every person goes one-step further to wipe this window clean, people like Boo Radley, Raymond Dolphus, and Tom Robinson would not have to be judged by the kind of people they appear to be, but rather the kind of people they were raised to be. All his life, Boo Radley was isolated from the rest of society due to his strange ways and choices of lifestyle notably unfamiliar to the norms of Maycomb. Rumours that Boo Radley is a mean person are common in society and cause nothing more than misjudgement and prejudice upon the deprived character. After falling into a bad crowd as a teenager and ignoring all chances of assertiveness, he is brought up in front of the most heartless judge in the novel, the town of Maycomb. Boo becomes a central figure in the imaginations of Scout, Jem, and their neighbour Dill, and thus becomes their summers playground where they attempt to play-role his life and lure the poor character out of his home. However, despite his history of being abused by his father, Boo reveals to be a gentle soul through his secreted acts. The gifts he leaves in the tree, his sewing of Jems torn pants, the blanket he puts around Scout the night of the fire, and finally, his rescue of the children from Bob Ewells vicio us attack, are all just bountiful acts both the readers and characters fail to see up until the end of the novel. In addition, the Radleys keep very much to themselves, a nature very different from the usual life Maycomb is used to. The Radleys welcome anywhere in town, kept to themselves, a predilection unforgivable in Maycomb. They did not go to church, Maycombs principal recreation, but worshiped at home. (Lee, 9) All his life Boo Radley decides to stay quiet and pay no attention to the dirt piling up on his personal and family life. Society fails to see through the foggy window of Boo Radleys life and without any attempts to appreciate his deeds, turns this character into an imaginary boogeyman. As a reason to help society understand his habits and strange ways, Mr. Raymond spends most of his drunken life living behind a wall of lies and pure pretend. In the segregated crowds outside the courthouse, with a bottle of whisky and a history of marrying an African- American woman, Dolphus sits with the African-Americans and minds his own business. Throughout a large part of the novel, readers are to believe that Mr. Raymond is a man of pitiful foolishness and only wrong. Through the eyes of someone far from the foggy window, Dolphus is nothing more than a drunken man who ruined his life and most importantly reputation by marrying a black woman, an act indescribable in the town of Maycomb. As Mr. Dolphus was an evil man I accepted his invitation reluctantly (Lee, 204) However, as one comes closer to this window, he realizes that Mr. Raymond is not a drunk after all and only pretends to have whisky in his bag so Maycomb will have something to latch on to, in order to understand his actions. In reality, Dolphus has Coke in his paper bag and his drunkenness turns out to be a put-on. Mr Raymond describes prejudice as the simple hell people give other people. (Lee, 205) He explains to Jem and Scout why he does it: When I come to town à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ if I weave a little and drink out of this sack, folks can say Dolphus Raymonds in the clutches of whiskey thats why he wont change his ways. He cant help himself, thats why he lives the way he does (Lee, 204). Mr. Raymonds double life shows Scout the settlements people have to make, in order to live in communities where they are not quite accepted or where peoples first assumptions encrypt a lifelong definition on others. Racial prejudice cost Tom Robinson his life, as he is found guilty without any sign of justice or pity. In our courts when its a white mans word against a black mans, the white man always wins. Theyre ugly, but those are the facts of life. (Lee, 224) Tom is a black man accused of raping a white woman, a crime that is punishable only by a death sentence. However, even though all the facts prove that he did not do it, the jury still found him guilty and did everything in their power to put this innocent man behind bars, not knowing it will become his deathbed. The justice system did not allow this man to have a fair trial because of the color of his skin. They disregarded his integrity because all they could focus on was what the window let them see, and what stood out first; his skin color. Instead of digging deeper into the case, everyone refused to know the truth because it would simply not make sense. As a result, withought any further attempt to figure out the truth, Tom Robinsons life was determined by his appearance.

Frankenstein: Victor :: essays research papers

Frankenstein: Victor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Victor Frankenstein has always been fascinated by nature. By the time he was in his late teens he was at a school of science. This school sparked his obsession with recreating human life. This was not an easy task because of the minuteness of the organs, etc, which forced him to design an oversized human, about eight feet tall. After many unhealthy months of labor, he finally achieved his goal. The hideous creature sat up and grinned at Victor. Victor fled immediately. When he returned to his chamber he was happy to not find the monster. Two years passed and he got a letter from his father telling him his youngest brother, William, had been murdered. He began his miserable trip back home. On the way home he saw a giant beast running from a barn. He realized this was his creation and he was the murderer. An innocent woman (framed by the Monster) and a great friend of Elizabeth (Victor's cousin and future wife), was executed for the murder. This devastated the family (especially Victor, who accused himself). He set of to put an end to this creation. Victor finally met up with his monster in the mountains near a glacier. Here he listened to the monster's story. How he studied and grew to love this family living in a cottage. He wanted so immensely to be a part of their love and smiles. He learned their language and how to write (by listening to them teach an Arabian relative). After a very long time he walked into the cottage when only the blind old man was there and tried to befriend him. He was very persuasive until the children and the woman returned. The boy attacked the Monster. He could have killed the boy, but, out of love, ran. The family soon moved leaving the Monster so incredibly depressed and heart-broken that he suddenly hated the human kind. But, most of all, he hated his creator for making in the first place. He set out to Geneva, where he know Victor lived. He was almost there when he found a little boy. He thought he could make friends with him (because of his young, unprejudiced mind) until he discovered he was the son of his hated creator. He murdered him, and took the boy's locket and put it in the pocket of the soon-to-be-executed woman sleeping in a barn. At the conclusion of his story he persuaded Frankenstein to create a female for him. In the middle of Victor's progress of making the female he stopped,

Monday, August 19, 2019

Charles Lindbergh Essay -- essays papers

Charles Lindbergh One of the greatest heroes the world has ever known Charles Augustus Lindbergh. He is most famous for his transatlantic flight from New York to Paris. Lindbergh acquired great fame for doing â€Å"good will† tours in Latin America. Other than politicians and war heroes no one has yet quite matched his fame. He was a genus when it came to aviation and mechanics. He advised the making and design of several planes from ones made of wood and wire to supersonic jets. He helped several countries and airlines by giving them advise on their air fleets. He wrote several documents of his journeys and of his life. Charles Lindbergh entered this world on February 4, 1902 in Detroit, Michigan. He grew up in Rapid Falls, Minnesota on a family farm. His father’s name was Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Sr. He was a lawyer and a congressman for the state of Minnesota between the years of 1907 and 1917. His mother’s name was Evangeling Land Lodge. As a child Lindbergh showed that he had a great deal of mechanical ability. When he was eighteen years old he began attending the University of Wisconsin. While at Wisconsin he majored in mechanical engineering. During his time at the university he paid more attention to the growing field of avaion than he did to his studies. In 1924 Charles Lindbergh enlisted in the United States Army so he could begin studying on how to be a fighter pilot. One year later he graduated from the Army flight training school that was held on both Brook’s field and Kelly’s field. He graduated as the number one pilot in his class. After that he bought his own airplane and for the next six years of his life he spent flying an airplane for Robertson Aircraft Corporation. The planes filled with mail he flew from St. Louis, Missouri to Chicago, Illinois. During this time he was also a barnstormer which is a stunt pilot that does stunts over fairs and other public gatherings. During this time he received a reputation of not only being a cautions pilot but a quite capable pilot as well. A New York City hotel owner named Raymond Orteig started the Orteig Prize. The Orteig Prize was a twenty five thousand dollars for the first man to fly across the Atlantic Ocean solo and without stopping in between. Many pilots were injured or even killed trying to win the Orteig Prize. Raymond Orteig started the competition in 1919 and Charles Lindbergh had b... ...aui, Hawaii. He is buried in a small church graveyard in Kipahulu, Hawaii. After his death a collection of his writings were published in 1978 and the book was entitled â€Å"Autobiography of Values†. Charles Augustus Lindbergh was an explorer and pioneer in the field of aviation. His story showed great triumph of the human spirit. When Charles Lindbergh’s son had been kidnapped it shocked and fascinated the entire world. He was not only one of the finest pilots of his time but he was an excellent public speaker. In the 1920’s and 1930’s English teachers used his writings and even more often his wife’s writings in their English lessons. English and History teachers still use Charles Lindbergh’s and his wife’s works in their lessons. Even though Lindbergh was most famous for his transatlantic flight and winning the Orieg Prize he is also honored for his expertise in aviation and promoting â€Å"good will† throughout the Latin American countries. He is also given partial credit for such creations as the Boeing 747. Lindbergh was also a great combat pilot in World War II when fighting against the Japanese as a civilian. That is how Cha rles Lindbergh became one of the world’s greatest heroes.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A NEW TREND IN REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BY. TJ WHITE What could be more perfect than owning a luxury vacation home at a world class resort and receiving rental income whenever you aren't using it? Condo hotels are the newest trend in vacation home ownership. Live in it when you're there, and rent it out when you are not. So how do condo-hotels differ from owning a traditional condominium or vacation apartment? They aren't your typical second homes. They are beautifully furnished condominium suites in some of the most famous hotels and resorts all around the US. The properties are typically large, high-rise, luxury hotels. Prices can range from $250,000 to over $1 million for prime condo hotel properties. When the owners of condo-hotel units aren't using their units, they have the option of placing their unit into the hotel's rental program. This is what makes the program so attractive. While the developer doesn't guarantee the rental of the unit, by capitalizing on a hotel's name recognition, advertising, national affiliations, centralized reservation system and management expertise, most unit owners typically receive a higher level of rental income than they would from a traditional vacation home. As part of the rental agreement, the hotel pays for most operating expenses such as marketing, housekeeping, and administrative costs. The condo-hotel owner typically pays for insurance, real estate taxes, and capital improvements. Condo-hotels are typically large, high-rise, luxury hotel buildings operated by big names such as Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, Sonesta, Starwood, Hilton, Trump and Rosewood. Each condo-hotel unit is sold to individual investors who may use their unit for a specified amount of time, and when not used the investor has the option of placing it into an organized rental program. Rental revenue is shared with the operator and helps defray the unit owner's expenses. Unit owners are more likely to receive a higher level of rental income by being in a rental program with a recognized professional operator because of the hotel's national affiliation, its reservation system, brand recognition, and management expertise. The original developer intends to sell the units. For that reason features are generally added to enhance the appeal of units to potential buyers. These include spas, health and fitness centers, and business centers. Many condo hotels also offer an expanded array of services such as a concierge, valet and maid service. Most condo-hotels are located in seasonal resort areas. South Florida is one of the country's hottest markets with world-famous resorts like the Fontainebleau, the Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne, Trump International and Four Seasons leading the way.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Jack nelsons problem Essay

There are some problems in bank’s home office and branches. These problems have some cause. From what I noticed from the case above, there are mainly three problems that caused the problem in the bank’s home office and branches. Firstly, the home office does not provide any training for employees. That’s why when Jack Nelson was introduced to the entire employee in the home office; he was introduced to Ruth Johnson. Ruth Johnson working for two months but she does not know about the machine that she was using. But she operates the machine properly. Organization did not oriented and trained her properly. If organization trained her well Johnson will clear about her job and responsibility. Secondly, there are lack of communication among the branches between supervisor and employees. The main issue in this case is employee turnover was high during past eight years, as a result supervisor tried to find a suitable employee to replace the worker who had quit. We know that employee turnover is a costly expense especially in lower paying job roles, for which the employee turnover rate is highest. There was no standardization of recruitment process in organization. They had also lack of communication process. Because all branch office hired employee without communicate whit their home office. Lastly, the bank home office does not have Human Resources Department. Most of the problem that appeared in the case is related to employees’ issue. Therefore, having a HR department can reduce the issue regarding employees among the branches and home office. Question 2: Do you think setting up an HR unit in the main office would help? Answer:  HR unit would help main office in many ways. Setting up an HR department could help a lot in the main office because the main purpose of why HR department is available in a company is because they are in charge of all the employees by recruiting, provide training, appraising, and compensating them. This bank’s major problem is employee turnover. If they set up a Human Resource unit in the main office, this unit will control the recruitment process; they will also build up good communication with their  internal employee. At present bank have no specific policy for managing. HR unit give them a structural policy, which help them. HR unit will analysis the job and they will hired the right person for the right job. Additionally, HR department is important to all managers in the main office. There are many advantages of having a HR department in the main office. Firstly, it can help to prevent hiring wrong person for the job in main office. For example, people who have engineering background may not suitable for working in a company but more suitable in a factory. Secondly, whenever there is a high turnover of employees, HR department can help to reduce it because they can tend to recruit employees and train them to be more committed to the main office. Thirdly, when an employee’s performance is low then, HR department will take action of transferring the particular employee to training or counseling so that, can find out the problem within that employee. So setting up an HR unit would definitely help the main office. Question 3: What specific functions should an HR unit carry out? What HR functions would then be carried out by supervisors and other line managers? Answer: The functions an HR Unit should carry out are given below: Job analyses, Planning employee needs and recruiting, Providing advising and training in the selection process, Orientation of new employees, Managing wage and salary administration, Managing incentives and benefits, Providing and managing the performance appraisal process, Organization-wide communications, Providing training & developing services. Supervisors and Other Line Managers should carry out the functions given below: Interviewing and selection of job candidates, Training new employees, Appraising performance, Departmental & personal communications, Training & development.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Dead Man’s Path by Chinua Achebe Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story is generally depicting the theme which is said to be modernity versus old. The old is characterized by the villagers which still continues doing their rituals and also it is characterized by the pathway (Nerdicity).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The new or modernity is characterized and depicted by the institution and the new headmasters who aimed for renewing almost all of the old staffs at the school (Nerdicity).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The institution, as depicted in the story as the explanation for the theme, tends the humanity of that generation to be liberated with regard to newer and or modern things (Nerdicity). They are also trying to liberate the villagers that the villager’s old beliefs and practices are wrong which includes the practice of their belief about the pathway (Nerdicity). Theme explanation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme in the story is about Modern versus Old. It is said that Chinua Achebe came up to this theme based on how the new Nigerian thinks. The new Nigerian’s way of thinking explains their ideologies on beautifying gardens (Nerdicity).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this theme as explained in the story, Michael Oli wanted a development at the institution abut the problem is; the villagers are a source of hindrance to his development plan for the school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme is explaining how certain people wanted a more liberated and modernized society for a better living but still there are some who does not want to go with this modernization issue. They are contented following their old practices. The theme also explains how extinction of old practices including tradition and cultures because of the rapid development and its being imposed to the people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme also explained that imposing new ideas to people who believes and appreciates old practices is a hard thing to do that will need your patience and understanding.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Imposing new is better for it will benefit a lot of aspects in life but it will be better if instead of making all things new, people can combine new and old instead that will be more effective for everyone as it won’t be a source for any conflict.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Example of new versus old is the modernity versus traditional.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It conveys the lesson which states that traditions should not be changed into new ones and it should also be not ignored.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme is said to be effective for people to realize that old beliefs are said to be influential and important so it should not be disregarded. Traditions are somehow an alternatives in teaching morals, it is said to be much more influential because there are lessons that people can learn through this (Cindy). About the theme   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author created the theme because he wanted people to be informed and to realize that endorsing such modernity over traditional matter in a bad approach will create a negative consequence (LLC).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chinua Achebe wanted to impose that when a certain person intends and tries to block a certain essential aspect of that person’s existence, the act could create or lead into a negative reaction and consequences (LLC). This is depicted when Michael Obi blocked the path where it is part of the villager’s important ritual in respect for their ancestors whenever someone dies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theme was generally made for people to see the negative impact of modernity to traditional activities. The impact in the story depicted through the theme is explaining that in order to convince people to accept certain ideologies, the one who imposes should also possess the characteristics that others would respect (LLC). This characteristic is important in order for other existence to accept the ideologies that a certain person imposes (LLC). Universal truth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, the story expresses universal truth because people can’t deny the fact that there are really some people at any part of the world that endorses betterment in certain people but does it in a negative approach. People would be insulted through this kind of approach that provokes them to start a misunderstanding and conflict to each other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An example of this is when a certain person preaches something according to his views and beliefs. If a certain person imposed his ideologies and forced people to believe by threatening their lives or their own beliefs, the act will cause into major conflicts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This statement is an example situation based on the theme of the story by Chinua Achebe.   Symbols used in the story   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the story, there are a lot of instances that symbolizes the given theme. One of this is when Michael imposed the modernity by renewing almost all of the old professors in the school and changing them into new and younger ones (Classroom).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Michael could have imposed his aim of modernity through adding new teachers hence still allowing the old ones to perform their teaching in the school but he did the other way. Michael aimed to remove the villager’s right to practice their important rituals instead of respecting it (Classroom).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Michel did not respect the rituals and beliefs of the villagers hence he also disregarded what the priest advised him. Michael blocked the pathway to avoid the villagers from walking though it and he did it to prevent them from ruining the property (Classroom).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By doing the certain act, Michael is said to have insulted the villager’s beliefs and ritual practice. He could have just let the villagers take that certain part and took another part to accomplish his project due to beautifying the school. Lastly is when Michael ignored what the villagers asked of him to be able to resolve the arising conflict. The villagers asked him to do a heavy sacrifice in order to conciliate his fault from the villager’s ancestors (Classroom).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is implying the disrespect to someone’s beliefs. Instead of following what they asked of him, he ignored the idea and continued on imposing what he wanted. Symbols   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The school ground as the pathway, this symbolizes the tradition and beliefs of the villagers. It is explained in the story that it is a part of the villager’s ritual to take that certain path whenever someone dies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The blocking of the pathway; this symbolizes the unacceptance and disrespect of Michael as the main character. He disrespected the villager’s practices which they’ve done always. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author came up to the theme by implying his view on respecting one’s beliefs and traditions. If a certain person wants his ideologies to be accepted, he should impose it in a kind manner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If a certain person wants to succeed imposing his ideas, he then should also respect other’s ideologies to prevent things from leading into conflicts and negative reactions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Author of the story in my opinion is aware that tradition might be forgotten because of the developments and liberations that the society imposes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Achebe showed through his story about his respect to certain people’s beliefs even if it is not evidently true, thus it is everyone’s right to practice their cultural and traditional beliefs as long as it wont be a reason for other people’s oppression (Cindy).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is what the theme implies through the story Dead Man’s Path by Chinua Achebe. Works Cited Cindy. â€Å"Dead Man’s Path.† 2007. Classroom, The Global. â€Å"Dead Men’s Path Chinua Achebe â€Å", 2006. LLC, Mega Essays. â€Å"Chinua Achebe, Dead Man’s Path.† 2007. Nerdicity. â€Å"Dead Man’s Path.† 2006.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

What Is Practical Work In Science Education Essay

Practical work is viewed by the huge bulk of scientific discipline instructors, as an indispensable and built-in portion of scientific discipline instruction. In fact, many regard it as an indispensable facet of being a ‘science instructor ‘ ( Donnolly 1998 from reappraisal Practical work effectivity in primary/sec schools Abraham ) . Practical work can embrace many different constituents, which can be divided into two chief groups as described in Woodley E, ( 2009 ) , as follows: 1 ) Core activities: These include ‘hands-on ‘ activities such as different probes, research lab techniques and processs, every bit good as fieldwork. These types of activities can assist heighten the development of pupils ‘ practical research lab accomplishments, every bit good as assisting them to understand cardinal scientific constructs and phenomena. 2 ) Directly related activities: These are closely connected to the above nucleus activities, and include practical presentations performed by the instructor, planning and planing scientific probes and analysis of informations. In add-on, some argue that other activities such as usage of computing machine simulations, modeling, usage of studies, presentations, group treatment and function dramas can besides represent what is meant by the term practical activity ( SCORE, 2008 ) . However, others would differ, and believe these activities would non come under the practical activity ‘umbrella ‘ , and instead that they should be used complementarily alongside other practical activities, instead than be a replacement for them ( Woodley, E ) . Millar described a practical activity as ‘Any scientific discipline instruction and acquisition activity which at some point involves the pupils, working separately or in little groups, in detecting or pull stringsing objects to develop understanding ‘ . ( Millar ( 2009 ) ) . It is described in The National Strategies as: ‘Any activity that enables students to hold direct, frequently hands-on, experience of the phenomena they are analyzing ‘ . ( The National Strategies ( 2008 ) ) . In fact the undermentioned citation from SCORE underpins what many believe about the importance of practical work in scientific discipline: ‘Science without practical is like swimming without H2O ‘ . ( SCORE, 2008 ) . Therefore, irrespective of how practical work is defined, or what activities are thought to represent it, it can be seen as a cardinal portion of how scientific discipline should be taught in schoolsWhat is the Purpose of Practical Work?The chief intents of practical work are to prosecute pupils, helping them to develop many of import accomplishments. In fact, practical work can back up larning in a battalion of ways runing from ‘Personal acquisition and believing accomplishments ‘ to ‘How scientific discipline plants ‘ ( E Woodley ) -See Figure 1. The overruling rule, nevertheless is ‘to make links between the concrete and abstract universes ‘ . ( Reflecting on practical work ) . Figure 1. Different ways practical work can back up acquisition: Figure taken from E.Woodley ( original = Figure 1 How practical work supports scientific discipline ( From Geting practical: a model for practical scientific discipline in schools ( SCORE, 2009a ) p. 7 )From reading the literature, it is clear that the different grounds and principles for transporting out practical work in scientific discipline can be classified into three chief countries ( see below ) , as discussed in ( Practical Work in School Science: Which Way Now? Jerry Wellington ) :Arguments for and against the usage of practical work in scientific discipline:1 ) . Cognitive statements: It is thought that practical activities can associate to knowledge and understanding ( the cognitive sphere ) by assisting to beef up pupils ‘ conceptual apprehension of scientific discipline by enabling them to visualize and do sense of different scientific Torahs and theories, frequently back uping learnt theory work.2 ) . Affectional spheres: This relates to the enjoyment and motivational facets of practical work. Practical work is frequently used to bring forth involvement and enthusiasm amongst pupils, and is thought to help pupils in retrieving thing s ; ‘making things stick ‘ . In fact, reports show that in footings of how pupils rate the enjoyability of school scientific discipline activities, the three top rated were: ‘going on a scientific discipline trip ( 85 % ) , looking at pictures ( 75 % ) and making a scientific discipline experiment ( 71 % ) , back uping the position that practical work is so extremely motivational ( Dillion J ) . 3 ) . Skills statement: The last of the three chief principles for practical work is that it can assist develop many movable accomplishments, as illustrated in Figure 1 above. However, characterizing the existent value and intent of practical work is a really hard undertaking and divides sentiment across the scientific discipline instruction profession. In fact there are many statements and counter statements for and against practical work in scientific discipline. Counter responses to the cognitive statement include the thought that practical work can frequently confound instead than better pupils ‘ apprehension ( particularly if the practical does non travel to program ) . In add-on Scott and Leach propose that practical work is non a good attack to learn theory, proposing that theories comprise abstract thoughts which can non be demonstrated physically: ‘ In the context of the school research lab it is clear that pupils can non develop an apprehension through their ain observations, as the theoretical entities of scientific discipline are non at that place to be seen ‘ . ( Taken from Wellington book- Leach and Scott 1995:48 ) Arguments against the affectional statement include the impression that many pupils are merely turned off at the thought and chance of making practicals. There is besides grounds bespeaking that boys bask practical work more so than misss, and therefore misss can frequently be less enthusiastic and motivated compared to boys making the same practical undertaking. ( Wellington ) . Counter statements to the proposal that practical work can develop many movable accomplishments besides exist. These include the statement that group work within practical scientific discipline frequently does non better cardinal accomplishments such as communicating and interaction, as widely believed, but when studied more closely, frequently consequences in more forceful pupils ‘ ruling the undertaking, ensuing in deficiency of enjoyment and battle for some and the demotion of some pupils to simple median undertakings, such as pulling out tabular arraies or entering consequences without any existent engagement in the practical activity themselves. ( Wellington ) . Many other scientific discipline instruction professionals make claims of the ‘overselling ‘ of the scientific discipline instruction in footings of construct that scientific discipline practical work can develop many movable accomplishments. The thought that these accomplishments can add value to pupils and help them on their chosen calling waies have been discredited by some. In fact, Ausubel in the 1960 ‘s argued that any practical undertaking that can give rise to the application of accomplishments required for many subjects, is merely non specific plenty to turn to the peculiar scientific probe being addressed: ‘Grand schemes of find do non look to be movable across barely seems plausible that a scheme of enquiry, which must needfully be wide adequate to be applicable to a broad scope of subjects and jobs, can of all time hold sufficient peculiar relevancy to be helpful in the solution of the particular job at manus ‘ . ( Wellington, Ausubel 1964:298 ) . Therefore, there is much argument sing the usage of practical work within the instruction and acquisition of scientific discipline in schools. The cardinal inquiry here truly is to make with knowledge and how we get cognition. i.e. : How do we understand the universe and do sense of it in our caputs? ( Miller R, 2004 ) . One important reply to this came from Jean Piaget, who is credited as the innovator of the constructivist theory of cognizing. He argued that we construct of all time more complicated and sophisticated representations of the universe. This is through modifying our bing apprehensions ( or scheme ; a structured bunch of constructs ) through our actions on the universe around us. If Piaget is right, so the usage of practical work in detecting and step ining in the universe must be critical for our apprehension of scientific discipline ( R Miller 2004 ) .The effectivity of practical work in scientific disciplineAs discussed above, many scientific discipline instructors a nd other scientific discipline instruction professionals believe that practical work in the instruction of scientific discipline in schools is critical for assisting pupils learn and retrieve things more clearly. However, as besides noted there are statements proposing that practical work is really non all that effectual at accomplishing these purposes. A outstanding citation from Osborne ( 1998 ) inquiries the effectivity of practical work in the acquisition of scientific discipline, stating that practical work: ‘ has merely a limited function to play in larning scientific discipline and that much of it is of small educational value ‘ ( p. 156. from Miller 2004 reappraisal ) . Much of the decisions of research into the effectivity of practical work remain slightly equivocal. Research carried out in the 1980 ‘s by Hewson and Hewson ( 1983 ) , in which In add-on, others have argued that the manner in which practical work is practised is frequently the cause of its ineffectualness, and possibly, therefore the type of practical work used, and the manner it is used should be analysed, instead than merely stating that all practical work is uneffective. Hence if we are interested in looking at the effectivity of practical work in scientific discipline, the specific practical work used, or planning to be used need to be really carefully planned and thought out. A cardinal consideration here is really what is meant by the term ‘effectiveness ‘ .A model for judging the effectivity of practical workTheobald in the 1960 ‘s argued that scientific theory must ever be taught first and is required in order to visualize: ‘Experience does non give constructs intending, if anything constructs give experience significance ‘ ( J Wellington ) .

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Recent events have made the patents value of question

Before BUG, Inc. decides to go international the company needs to apply for patents and trademarks to safeguard their corporate image and their product. At the baer minimum, the company needs to apply for an American patent and trademark. Under the guidelines of the Paris Convention of 1870, more than 125 nations worldwide recognize patents that are registered with the World Patent Office in Switzerland (â€Å"International Protection of Intellectual Property† 2007).Recent events have made the patents value of question in some Third World countries as there is an international movement to allow developing nations an exemption from world patent laws, but given the the nature of the product and the import regulations of most modernized countries, the patent protection is certainly worth having. Also important is an international trademark for the company logo (U. S. Trademark Law 2007). Establishing a legal claim to the trademark can help the company to establish an internationa l identity associated with both their name and logo.Neither of these protections are particularly expensive and they can prevent the sale of black market goods which infringe on the BUG, Inc. product. They can also make it possible for BUG, Inc. to seek recompense in the event of patent infringement. Establishing the trademark and patent becomes especially important when Steve engages is corporate espionage and relays internal research and development information to BUG, Inc. ’s competitor, WIRETAP.The first thing that BUG needs to take into consideration with regard to the Steve’s actions as an employee of WIRETAP is that he ahs committed a federal crime under the Economic Espionage Case of 1996 (â€Å"Economic espionage†, 2007). That means that if the company can prduce sufficient evidence, Steve could be facing federal charges for his action. Steve could face 10 years in prison and up to $500,000 in fines related to criminal charges of the theft of trade secr ets (Halligan 1996). WIRETAP could face $5 million in fines. (Halligan 1996).Because Walter was not a law enforcement official, it could be argued that his keeping Steve in a locked room for six hours constitutes false imprisonment and he could face criminal charges related to those actions (Best Practice #1, 1999). According to the International Association of Security Professional, the law allows security guards to detain people suspected of a crime long enough to ascertain their identity and to contact the police, not to question them for six hours, depending on the state they are operating in, he could be charged with false imprisonment or kidnapping.(Best Practice #1, 1999). In addition, in most states, his threats of physical violence, though only threats, constitute a verbal assault on Steve and he could be charged with assault as well. (Online Dictionary, 2007) Furthermore, because Walter did this while on the job and used a company facility to do so, BUG, Inc. may face some liability for his actions as well. BUG could argue that Walter was not acting within the scope of his duties, but that is belied by the fact that he took these actions on company time and on company property.(Best Practice #1, 1999). This may mean that because of Walter’s actions, BUG could be facing greater liability than Steve is. When BUG goes online, it is possible that they may be able to acquire the domain name previously purchased by the clearinghouse corporation through a lawsuit arguing that the clearinghouse purchased it with the intention of depriving them from the trademark (Uniform Domain, 1999).There are also provisions for administrative hearings if BUG can demonstrate that the other entity adopted the domain name just in an attempt to deprive them of the name by which they are commonly known (Uniform Domain, 1999). However, it would be imperative as their attorney to explain that the cost of instigating the lawsuit could be large and that they should weigh th e cost of the lawsuit against the cost of simply purchasing the domain name from the current owners. There are provisions for the recovery of fees through the administrative hearing process, but they are not guaranteed to win (Uniform Domain, 1999).BUG should also be aware that as the instigators of an online contract they can determine what circumstances constitute acceptance of the contract and that American courts have held that online contracts are every bit as binding as written contracts (CyberLaw 2007). The company should also determine what their policy is with regards to sale of their product to non-law enforcement personnel and if they intend to distribute exclusively to appropriate law enforcement personnel, how they will verify that the person ordering the supplies is who they claim to be.The corporation should also consider contracting with an outside firm to supply website security to protect their financial transactions from hackers (CyberLaw 2007). At the BUG plant i n Shady Town, BUG liability for the attack on the vendor and employees is mitigated by the fact that there is a community-wide crime spree underway and by the fact that the company has not replaced lights that have been broken or burned out. As an invited guest of the company, the vendor has the right to expect safety as do employees (Killion, 2007).When sued for losses which occurred on their property, Bug’s attorneys can argue that their responsibility to provide a safe environment for employees and clients was undermined by the community-wide crime spree (Killion, 2007) The investigation into Steve’s actions might result in civil RICO proceedings if the company can prove underlying mail, wire or securities fraud (â€Å"Overview† 2007). Without evidence of the underlying crime, there is no way to pursue civilian RICO charges (â€Å"Overview† 2007).Because the company was aware of the potential danger posed by the earlier model and opted not to correct i t in an effort to lower production costs, BUG is liabile for the injuries suffered by Sally. (â€Å"Product Liability† 2007) If the company had been unaware of the injury potential from the model or had discovered it after the model was in mass distribution and had issued a recall, their liability might have been lower. However, the company was aware of the problem and chose not to fix it in an effort to make more money.At that point, a good personal injury lawyer could argue that BUG was negligent and therefore should be forced to pay not only actual damages to Sally, but also punitive damages in the form of an award for pain and suffering. Punitive damages are awarded when the court determines that a company should be punished for their actions; in this case, for knowing that the product was potentially hazardous and doing nothing to end the danger.If the case went to trial, BUG’s attorneys could argue that the newer models of the device were safer and that the respo nsibility for Sally’s injury should be shared by her employer for failing to provide her with the newer model, but this argument does nothing to decrease BUG’s liability. (â€Å"Product Liability† 2007). WORKS CITED â€Å"Best Practice #1: Detaining Shoplifiting Suspects† www. iapsc. org/uploaded_documents/bp1. doc, November 6, 2007. Computer Crimes & Intellectual Property Law† < http://www. usdoj. gov/criminal/cybercrime/iplaws. html> November 6, 2007. â€Å"Cyber Law† http://www. sidley. com/cyberlaw/features/int_juris.asp, November 6, 2007. â€Å"Free Dictionary† http://www. thefreedictionary. com/assault, November 6, 2007. Halligan, R. Mark. â€Å"The Economic Espionage Act of 1996: The Theft of Trade Secrets is Now a Federal Crime† http://my. execpc. com/~mhallign/crime. html November 6, 2007. â€Å"International Protection of Intellectual Property† < http://www. wipo. int/pct/en/treaty/about. htm> November 6, 2007. Killion, Susan Westrick and Katherine Dempski. â€Å"Legal And Ethical Issues† http://books. google. com/books? id=I20ZNJHFRVcC&pg=PA105&lpg=PA105&dq=corporate+liability+for+attack+on+premises&source=web&ots=WTIBrE-gj2&sig=iVtr5bLslUY7wZLeBT1zNzagWRQ

The Effect of Capital Structure on Share Prices based on the FTSE 100 Essay

The Effect of Capital Structure on Share Prices based on the FTSE 100 - Essay Example Further analysis of the literature has revealed that besides Market Value, the debt levels of the firm as well as the earnings offered to investors are other influential factors that determine the stock price. This paper aims to construct a regression model for the stock price of most FTSE 100 firms by accommodating these three parameters as variables. Further, the paper contains an elaborate statistical analysis to improve the model and remove any inconsistencies. Studies on Corporate Finance by researchers like Kevin (2006) have debated over the consequences of examining the fragmentation of the firm’s capital structure into various organizational parameters and have expressed the possibilities of analyzing their individual and collective influences on the movement of related share prices and their ultimate impact on returns to shareholders. A company’s capital structure consists of a multitude of assets in the form of equity, debt and other securities, each of which are included into the structure in proportions deemed necessary and sufficient by the firm. Studies by Modigliani and Miller (1958) conducted studies which demonstrate that in scenarios where the investment decisions are fairly stable, the market value of the firm stands invariant to its capital structure composition assuming that the financial markets are perfect in nature (i.e., markets comprising perfect competition and no friction) and provide tax-free returns. Further, Kleinbaum (2008) has shown that in cases where there is an additional component of protective debt covenants, the market value of the firm’s securities is not influenced by any changes in the capital structure. However, the value of the firm and the invariance of the security values can be vulnerable to taxation both at the firm as well as individual levels. This is also true in the case of debt covenants that are

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Three Arms of Authority Controlling the Public Education Systems Case Study

Three Arms of Authority Controlling the Public Education Systems - Case Study Example NCLB is a foundation project that serves as a federal intervention within the various states in America (Kowalski, 2004, P1, L6). This paper provides insight into the operation structure of the NCLB with a specific case study of individual Superintendents within various public education systems. Â  The case study involved between Dr. Stacy and Billy Pratt yielded various responses with effect to the introduction and implementation of the NCLB act. Dr. Stacy Barstow is instrumental in enforcing instructional improvement and engaging staff development. This is a positive approach as stated in the NCLB act where an education superintendent is significant curriculum personnel. Dr. Stacy also engaged positive approaches by supporting the NCLB objectives through positive remarks during a meeting with school heads. According to the case study, Superintendent Billy Pratt refutes the NCLB act, claiming that the law appeared inconsistent and incompetent (Kowalski, 2004, P3, L9). His arguments draw justification from the provided programs of the special education and other bilingual students. His arguments also criticized ignorance by the federal government on matters of local control. Billy Pratt’s justification may serve as an indicator to demand government careful involvemen t in future acts and educational policies. Â  Superintendent Dr. Stacy’s decision to avoid negative remarks towards the NCLB act shows an unrealistic approach to sensitive educational matters. As such, the move triggered differences among other secondary principals and elementary principals. The decision by Dr. Stacy also signifies an unreliable personality trait that would question individual leadership attributes. Billy Pratt decision to publicly criticize NCLB policies shows disrespect to a given law (Kowalski, 2004, P3, L10).

Monday, August 12, 2019

Poverty and Crimes Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Poverty and Crimes - Annotated Bibliography Example It is useful because he used actual people who were involved as crimes as both a victim and one who created the crime. When looking at specific poverty areas and this article gives insights as to how it looks from the other side of victimization. Bausman and Goe discuss "economic marginalization" and how it has more to do with an environment that can perpetrate crime instead of only economics. They say that most researchers only look at the economics but there are many other factors that create crime. This article is interesting because it points out that people who are unemployed have a challenge because they have to meet their needs in some way. They state that unemployment is a large factor that can create more property crime and that unemployment can create more crime in any area. Since I am looking at the fact that poverty causes crimes this article shows a link between lack of employment as one of the factors in crime. It is important to find out what factors make juveniles commit crime. In order to create prevention programs these authors felt it important to identify characteristics and circumstances that make juveniles create crimes. The authors wanted to create a profile of what a juvenile would look like who creates crimes. Part of my paper will deal with what we can do to stop crime. Since there are problems that our society cannot fix it is important to identify what characteristics may lead an individual to commit a crime. This article gives some ideas of what this would be like and will fit into the last aspects of my paper. This is a discussion of how alcohol and drugs influence crime and which crimes are committed. The authors have created a scientific study of how drugs and crime work and they have given a thorough study. Chapter 5 details the drug and crime connection and how they work together to create problems in the community.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Religions world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religions world - Essay Example The perception is likened to a seed that will naturally and inevitable mature to create another fruit. This pattern in inevitable and out of our control. The other perception is based on the general role of karma to influence results and action (Matthews 109). This level covers the entire process karmic action as provided by Buddhist teachers. Under the Buddhism path, genuine and accurate explanation of karmic action is developed. The accuracy of the process is only explained by the assumption that a person’s action shaped the consequences or outcome of the entire process (Matthews 142). In addition, the religious perspective includes the assumption that karma dictate the cycle of rebirth in human beings. In an argument by Matthews Buddhism does view karma and enforced by a supernatural being, but as a natural cycle that must occur regardless of the intent to action by a person (109). For this reason, intent towards an action, either negative, positive or neutral attracts a karmic result. Different from Buddhism the perception of Karma in Jainism includes the assumption that karma is a cause of our actions from the mind, body and soul. Consequently, a person attracts karma when they think negatively about another person. In addition, Matthews asserts that in Jainism good actions are not important if the thoughts of a person are not good (161). The theory also develop the assumption that karma exists in small particles, pudgala, across the universe. The particles ensure that karmas are attracted to the karmic field by vibrations from the mind, soul and body. With no person or being controlling the vice, Jainism believes that every person has a similar potential to attain eternity. However, this can only be achieved if a person tries and attains it by minimizing their karma. The concept of karma in Hinduism is similar to the other religions as it cites the action of a man determines the consequences of the results. However, early

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Statement that addresses my reasons for transferring and the Personal

That addresses my reasons for transferring and the objectives I hope to achieve - Personal Statement Example I am most intrigued and highly enthusiastic on his research that delve into the development of a drug involving a new curcumin-hybrid compound—CNB-001— that repairs stroke damage at the molecular level that feeds and supports neurons. I am confident that something optimistic and positive would be gained from the research and I am honored to be included as an instrumental part of the research. My personal and professional goals include expanding one’s knowledge, skills and abilities towards the health care profession to enable me to work with the marginalized and underprivileged people in Africa. I realized and recognized that the plight of majority of people in third world countries regarding access to much needed health care and professional medical advice remains insufficient due to lack of financial resources and access to more comprehensive information on health care needs. By shadowing emergency room physicians at the San Joaquin Community Hospital in Bakersfield, California, much needed skills and competencies in addressing various health conditions are aptly developed and improved. To gain a more holistic exposure to various settings and addressing the medical needs of diverse peoples from different cultural and demographic orientations, I have joined a variety of civic and social organizations, such as the French club, environmental club, interact club, and Armenian club, to name a few. After having attended a French immersion school in Washington, the proficiency in the French, as a second language continue to be harnessed. To date, I can speak fluently in English, Armenian, French, and Estonian. These skills in other languages are a plus factor in one’s future profession to directly communicate with people speaking these languages. I am very much interested in pursuing other activities and endeavors that would broaden my cultural knowledge and thereby contribute to increased manifestation of versatility, flexibility and adaptability to

Friday, August 9, 2019

Poems comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poems comparison - Essay Example There is no irony or sarcasm in this poem, when compared with the other two. Barbie Doll refers to the chilling stereotyping a young girl, growing up, is subject to. She is expected to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty and behavior, to become a pleasing, plastic, plaything, and forget her own individuality. In the process, the girl loses her self-esteem and resorts to suicide. The only time that she is able to conform to society’s norms is after her death—which implies that these norms are killing. This urge to be stylish is referred to in Titanic as well. The urge is so strong that it is not unlikely that people, if given a chance might actually choose to voyage again on the doomed Titanic, just to be able to go down grandly! There are only two instances in the poem, where the poet uses some kind of literary flourish, by characterizing puberty as â€Å"magic† (a metaphor) and describing the girl’s good nature wearing out â€Å"like a fan belt† (a simile). However, beneath the mere presentation of facts lurks a suppressed emotion, which the reader relates to, and the result is therefore an evoking of similar emotion. Titanic, however, has no underlying emotion. The poem mocks at people’s tendency to pursue blindly, that which is considered fashionable—like lemmings rushing to a mindless death. But it certainly invokes in the reader, by its mocking style, a horror of our tendency to want to conform to the fashion of the day, irrespective of consequences. The poem highlights how modern media romanticizes even the most terrible of events, and the power of the media over our lives. Both Titanic and Barbie Doll are written in the third person, to achieve distance in the presentation, while Philadelphia, in the first person, immediately establishes emotional proximity with the reader. However, the first two poems have a certain tension, which evoke further